Take the Frenzy Out of Feeding2025-02-01T21:29:46+00:00

Sunny Side Up Nutrition Membership:

Includes Access to:

The Take the Frenzy Out of Feeding Course
Community and Professional Support

The Take the Frenzy Out of Feeding Course is a A Self-Paced Online Course designed for parents of picky eaters and families who want to raise kids in diet-free homes.
Leave behind the frenzy of diet-culture. Feel less stressed and more confident about food and your family’s health.


• feel confused and stressed about how to feed your kids nutritious food?

• feel worried about your child’s weight or their pickiness? 

• feel frenzied trying to get food on the table? 

• get bogged down with mealtime struggles?

We are here to help!

Hi, We’re Elizabeth and Anna!

We are 2 moms who are also Registered Dietitians and child feeding experts. We are passionate about keeping diet culture out of parenting and supporting other parents to make food simple and stress free.

Female in a white shirt.
Registered Dietitian &
Family Feeding Expert
Female with light brown curly hair standing outdoors.

Registered Dietitian &
Family Feeding Expert

We’ve helped thousands of parents build anti-diet homes.

We know what it’s like to struggle with feeling overwhelmed with feeding kids who eat very differently and have very different body types. Between us, we have 5 children ranging from teenagers to young children who have definitely made us feel frenzied at times and tested our own patience around food. We know what it’s like to be working moms juggling packing lunches, planning dinners, and worrying if we’re doing it “right.”

We are also child feeding experts.

For almost 20 years, we have been helping families decrease their worry about feeding their family and empowering them to trust themselves. In our offices, we support parents who are worried about their child’s eating and health. We love partnering with parents in their quest to end the family legacy of dieting.

When we look around, we see so many parents anxious about what their children are eating and worried if they are eating too much or too little. We’ve been there! We’ve been the mom of an infant feeling like we have to make homemade baby food. We’ve been a mom who is worried their child is too picky and we just want them to eat more veggies. We’ve felt like we need to make every meal from scratch and felt like a failure if our child doesn’t eat what we make. We’ve used all different tactics to try to get our children to eat.

There is so much information that we are bombarded with daily.

It feels like there is one “right” way to parent, which can leave you feeling confused and frustrated. Food and your child’s health doesn’t have to be like that.

If you can filter out the messages you are bombarded with daily about food, health and weight, you can find a solution that works for you and your family. You know what’s best for your family! But our culture definitely makes us second guess how to feed ourselves and our children.

With support, information, and a plan to feed your family, food can be a calming force and a means of connection and celebration in your home, rather than something you stress about.

What we’ve learned and know first hand from feeding our own children and helping thousands of parents with worries about their children’s nutrition:

  • There’s lots of dangerous noise out there about food and weight that causes confusion, anxiety and pressure
  • Diet culture negatively influences child feeding advice
  • Parents and children need support, so that children can learn and grow in their eating
  • Food doesn’t have to be stressful.

Eliminating worry and anxiety about food and health will help your family eat well. When you let go, and feel grounded by a plan, you will feel more positive about food and feeding your children.

In our own homes, we use our tried and true Sunny Side Up Feeding Framework and a realistic plan to get meals on the table to keep food as it should be — stress free and fun. We don’t worry about every morsel that goes in our kids’ mouths and we trust our children’s bodies to grow as they should. We zoom-out and trust that we are raising our kids to eat in a way that supports their physical and mental health.

What if you’ve already tried lots of feeding advice and it hasn't helped?

You may have experienced these frustrations:

  • We still have mealtime battles.

  • My child still doesn’t eat any vegetables.

  • I still find myself not knowing what to cook for dinner at 6:00.

  • I still worry a lot about food and health.
  • I still worry about what and how much my kids are eating.

  • My child’s other parent isn’t on the same page as I am with feeding our family.

  • My child still is always asking for snacks and obsessed with food.

  • My child doesn’t eat enough unless I make them.

All of these frustrations are valid and common. You are not alone!

Often, parents’ worries can lead to inconsistent feeding styles, trying to make sense of all of the different conflicting advice they have received.

Our TRIED AND TRUE Sunny Side Up Feeding Framework provides anxiety-reducing strategies that can keep parents feeling grounded and trusting themselves and their children.


Sunny Side Up Nutrition Membership

Includes Access to:

Take the Frenzy Out of Feeding Course:
A No-Pressure Formula for Feeding Your Family and Raising Confident Eaters

+ Community and Professional Support

A membership designed to decrease worry about food in your home, by creating support and structure, without restriction.

As a member, you will:

  • assess your current feeding approach and concerns.

  • learn about your child’s growth and eating behaviors.

  • learn to apply simple, new strategies in your home.

Through the Sunny Side Up Nutrition Membership…

  • you will spend less time worrying about food your child’s health.
  • you will feel confident about your approach to food in your home.
  • your children will feel less stressed about food.
  • your children will make progress in their eating over time.

ALL THIS at your own pace and within your own timetable plus membership in a community of other parents seeking the same support!

The self-paced course includes 12 modules. Take a look at the descriptions of each module below.

1: Let’s Set Some Goals!2024-04-10T19:57:48+00:00

At the end of this module, you’ll have a clear understanding of what YOU want to be different about feeding yourself and your family. We will provide an overview of the framework for the course and what to expect. You will complete a self-assessment that will help you understand your child(ren)’s individual eating personality and hone in on what you envision for struggle-free meal times. By the end of the module, you will have set your own personal goals for this course.


  • What to expect from this important journey of having less stress with food.
  • What your biggest concerns are when feeding your family.
  • Your individual family goals for this course.


  • Assessment: Your Child’s Eating Personality
  • Self Assessment Tool: How Are You Doing Now?
  • Power Tool: Goal Setting Framework
2: Feeding is Parenting2024-04-10T19:58:08+00:00

Feeding is an important part of parenting. Diet culture can interfere with how we feed our children, rather than being congruent with how we parent in other ways. In this module, discover and assess your current parenting and feeding styles. You will identify your current feeding pitfalls and strategies to shift gears and implement a supportive feeding structure.


  • Your unique parenting style and how it affects how you feed your family.
  • Your current pitfalls in feeding.


  • Self Assessment Tool: Discover Your Parenting and Feeding Styles
3: Understanding Your Child’s Growth2024-04-10T19:58:27+00:00

Are you worried that your child is growing too fast or too slow or just want to understand more about growth? At the end of this module, you’ll understand where your child fits into the range of body diversity. You’ll understand how to interpret growth charts and how your child is growing in comparison to their own growth history. Our hope is this module will answer questions about your child and put your mind at ease. You’ll be left with the tools and understanding to advocate for your child with healthcare providers.


  • How to interpret and understand your child’s growth charts.
  • An understanding of body diversity.
  • How to talk to your child’s pediatrician about weight and advocate for your child.


  • Power Tool: Interpret Your Child’s Growth
  • Download: Letter to Your Child’s Pediatrician
  • Resource: How to Talk to Your Pediatrician about Your Child’s Growth
  • Resource: Navigating Pediatric Care in Light of the New American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Guidelines
4: Understanding Your Role2024-04-10T19:59:12+00:00

Our culture tells us in order to be a “good parent” we need to make sure our children eat in a certain way and look a certain way. The truth is, we cannot make our children eat or not eat. We are NOT in charge of what our child weighs. As parents, it’s important to know what our roles are in feeding to support our children to grow up to be confident eaters and to be able to eventually navigate the foodscape on their own. In this module, you’ll learn what your jobs are and what they are not. You’ll be introduced to the Sunny Side Up Feeding Framework that supports confident eating for you and your family.


  • What your roles are in feeding and what you need to let your child be in charge of as they learn and grow with eating.
  • Specific strategies to create a supportive and attainable feeding structure.
  • Our worry free, Sunny Side Up Feeding Framework that supports confident eating for you and your family.


  • Power Tool: Sunny Side Up Feeding Framework: 5 Steps to Feeding Your Family and Raising Confident Eaters
5: Nutrition Made Simple2024-04-10T19:59:51+00:00

Nutrition is not an exact science, especially when it comes to feeding children. Most children will get the nutrition they need over time, if we provide them with a variety of foods in a structured way. In this module, you will learn the basic parts of what to offer at each meal and snack. We’ll discuss the nutrition information to focus on, and what to ignore. You’ll learn how to think about nutrition in a simple and supportive way and what else to consider when striving to feed your family in a “healthy” way.


  • Basic nutrition for feeding, using a simple formula to put together meals and snacks.
  • Ideas and examples of simple “go-to” meals and snacks for your family.
  • The importance of offering a variety of foods and not putting foods on a pedestal or in the trash.


  • Resource: Meal and Snack Formulas
  • E-Book: Super Easy Meals, No Recipe Required
  • Resource: Easy Meal Ideas with Links to Simple Recipes
  • Resource: Snack Ideas
6: Reboot Your Meal Planning2024-04-10T20:01:15+00:00

Meal planning can feel like a huge undertaking, but it doesn’t have to be that way. In this module, you’ll learn our tried-and-true formula to get meals on the table and reduce pressure and stress with food. You’ll learn how to plan simple meals that don’t take a lot of time. And you’ll feel supported to get dinner on the table fast.


  • A simple meal planning formula that will decrease overwhelm
  • The steps to create a personalized meal plan and grocery list
  • More peace of mind and less worry and thought about food in your weekly routine


  • Handout: Discover YOUR go-to meals and snacks
  • Power Tool: Meal Planning Template
  • Bonus! Ebook: Your Ultimate Guide to Stress Free Lunch Packing
7: Stock Your Kitchen for Go-to Meals2024-04-10T19:56:56+00:00

Meal planning only helps if you have the ingredients on hand and grocery shopping isn’t overwhelming. We all know real life can get in the way of our best-laid plans! You need to know you can get a quick meal on the table anytime, even if it’s not on your plan that week. In this module, you’ll learn how to stock your kitchen to implement your meal planning, get go-to meals on the table anytime, and feel supported with a well-stocked kitchen.


  • How to stock your kitchen so you can make your “go-to” meals anytime.
  • How to use convenience and frozen foods to simplify cooking.
  • How to incorporate stocking your kitchen into your weekly grocery list.


  • Power Tool: How to Stock Your Kitchen to Make Your “Go-To” Meals
  • Resource: Our Favorite Convenience and Frozen Foods
  • Resource: Anna and Elizabeth’s Kitchen Staples
8: Eating “too much”…or “too little”?2024-04-10T19:52:47+00:00

It’s natural to worry about our children and to want to raise them to have a positive, healthy relationship with food? That worry about how much your child is eating can lead to some common pitfalls. Restriction can lead to “overeating” and sneaking food, while pressure to eat more or eat certain foods can lead to decreased intake. In this module, you’ll learn to trust your children to eat the foods and amount of food they need to grow. That trust can lead to decreased food battles and increased eating skills for your child, over time.


  • How to focus in on your kid’s job of how much they eat.
  • How to avoid the common pitfalls that arise when we try to control our child’s eating.
  • You’ll learn the first steps to trust your child’s body to eat what they need.


  • Self Assessment: Are You Worried Your Child Eats Too Much or Too Little?
  • Resource: Common Pitfalls and Tips to Avoid Them!
9: What if my child is a picky eater?2024-04-10T19:52:12+00:00

All of the information in this course supports children who are more selective eaters. However, in this module, we’re going to hone in on this topic and offer reassurance and support to the parent who is worried about their child’s variety in their diet. We’ll discuss the correlation between personality and eating style and how to support your child to expand their eating, while supporting who they are and their body autonomy.


  • How your child’s personality affects how they eat.
  • What is the continuum of “typical eating” and when to seek further help
  • Common pitfalls that parents of selective eaters fall into and how to avoid them.
  • What pressure looks like and how to offer structure and support, without pressure.


  • Resource: What if my child doesn’t eat vegetables?
  • Self Assessment: Pressure vs. Support
10: What about sweets?2024-04-10T19:51:43+00:00

Sugar is often demonized. Diet culture tells us we’re not being “good” parents if we let our children have sugar. In this module you’ll learn the basics about sugar, from dispelling the myths to ideas on how to approach dessert in your home.


  • Basic info about sugar.
  • Tips on how to approach desserts in your family.
  • Tips on how often to offer sweets.
  • What not to do and say when it comes to sugar.


  • Resource: Let’s Talk About Sugar!
  • Resource: What About Dessert?
11: How to talk about food and bodies2024-04-10T19:51:11+00:00

Our children are presented with diet culture messages daily and how we talk about food and bodies can be an anecdote to diet culture. In this module, you’ll learn the language to support your child’s positive relationship with food and their body. This module will empower you to have the tools and language to create a home environment that supports your child in growing up to trust their body and discern when they are hearing false, diet culture messages.


  • What diet culture is and how to identify it in your home.
  • Strategies to build resilience for your children as they face diet culture outside your home
  • Language to use at meal and snack time to combat diet culture messages and reduce pressure
  • How to talk about your own body and your children’s changing bodies
  • Modeling a positive relationship with food


  • Video: Examples of Modeling Body Positive Language
  • Resource: Script of Positive Food and Body Messages
12: Nutrition Messaging in Schools2022-03-25T17:54:51+00:00

Unfortunately, health and nutrition messaging in schools is grounded in diet-culture. From as young as toddlers our children hear confusing, all-or-nothing messages about “good” and “bad” foods. Kids also hear they need to exercise to maintain their weight when what we know is that kids and teens are supposed to be gaining weight and growing! In this module you’ll learn how you and your children can identify diet-culture messaging. You’ll also learn effective ways to reach out to schools, teachers and coaches with your concerns.


  • What is developmentally appropriate nutrition education.
  • How to help your children identify diet culture messaging.
  • How to talk to your children about the differences in messaging at schools and home.
  • Tips to effectively communicate with schools, teachers and coaches.


  • Sample letters you can send to your child’s school, teachers and coaches
  • Resource: Let’s Make Schools Free From Diet Talk
  • Resource: Examples of developmentally appropriate nutrition education

Download These 2 Bonuses Immediately When You Join the Sunny Side Up Nutrition Membership!

E-BOOK: Super Easy Meals, No Recipe Required

INSTANT DOWNLOAD: 50 Easy Snack Ideas


“Parents always say ‘Kids don’t come with manuals!’ Anna and Elizabeth have done just that! This is a practical feeding and nutrition guide that affirms the worries and work that parents are doing every snack, every meal AND then offers sound strategies for numerous circumstances including large kids, growing kids, selective eaters, and more. The tips and tools are evidence-based and nuanced for parents to apply right away. This course answers the call for parents who want to nourish their children and encourage their kids to nurture a balanced and beneficial relationship with food.”

“When feeding kids becomes stressful, parents need compassion and practical support. The Sunny Side Up Nutrition Course will help so many families find more peace and joy at mealtimes—and help protect the next generation from the harms of diet culture.”

“The Sunny Side Up Nutrition team are powerhouses and excellent at helping their clients tackle nutrition from an anti-diet perspective. They have a wealth of knowledge and information that any parent would be lucky to access. Their new course is phenomenal and will certainly help so many.”

“I’m thrilled to have this trusted resource for parents!”

Katja Rowell, MD

“I’m thrilled to have this resource to recommend in a world saturated with harmful food and body misinformation. This course is a safe harbor for parents who want their kids to become adults with food and body freedom.”


We’re in the business of creating resources that support parents to feel at ease with food in their homes...

If for any reason, you are not thrilled with the content

and the potential positive impact it will have on the relationships with food in your home, we will refund your payment 100% in the first 7 days. No hoops. Just send us an email.

JOIN US! Get started with your membership NOW!

Join us for the Sunny Side Up Nutrition Membership. Our membership includes our self paced course PLUS community and monthly live Q and A’s with Anna and Elizabeth.

  • Instant access to the self-paced course PLUS monthly LIVE group support calls with Elizabeth & Anna, AND access to our private moderated community.

    Membership fees:

    Monthly: $35/month

    Annually: $297/year (30% discount!)

Your Sunny Side Up Nutrition Membershp starts immediately. Once you click the button above, you will be taken to our membership platform to create your registration and secure checkout. You will have immediate access to the course and community board. You will receive an email containing your bonuses to download.

  • What if I don’t find the membership helpful?
    See our guarantee above. We offer a 7 day money back guarantee if you’re not happy with the membership.
  • What if I’m unable to attend the Live group support calls?
    The live support call videos will be saved in our course platform for you to view when you’re able. 
  • What if I’d rather listen to the course as opposed to read and watch? Is there a way to do that?
    The course includes a variety of formats to support all kinds of learners! When you purchase the course, you will have access to videos, downloads and written copy to support your learning experience.
  • What if I don’t like to cook?
    That’s OK! This course is designed with all cooks and non-cooks in mind.
  • When will I have access to the material?
    As soon as you purchase the course.
  • How much time will I need to set aside?
    The course is designed to fit right into your day. Set aside 15–30 minutes per module.
  • Can me and my partner use the same log-in?
    Yes, but we ask that you not share it with anyone outside your family.
  • To what age does this information apply?
    Toddlers to Teens

Do you have more questions?
Email us at [email protected]

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